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AMAS: The Advanced MIDI AMIGA Sampler
Program disk for AMAS, a combined MIDI device and 8bit stereo sound sampler for Amiga. Stored on a MF 2DD (Double Density) floppy disk.
Amiga Basic Disk
Floppy disk for Amiga Basic, a programming language that was shipped with the operating system Workbench version 1.1 to 1.3.
Amiga Basic Printer Drivers Disk
Amiga Workbench Version 1.3
Program disk for Workbench Version 1.3, a desktop environment and graphical file manager for AmigaOS developed by Commodore International for the Amiga line of computers.
Amigo Times V 1.9 Issue Disk
Non-bootable issue disk for Amigo Times, a Canadian magazine described as a "news and information resource for the Commodore AMIGA"
Audiomaster II Data Disk
A stereo 8bit sound sampler for the Commodore Amiga.
Audiomaster II Program Disk
A stereo 8bit sound sampler for the Commodore Amiga.
Check Up Double-Sided Floppy Disk Drive Cleaning Disk
Deluxe Paint II Art Disk
Bitmap graphics editor created by Daniel Silva for Electronic Arts. Size: 512K
Deluxe Paint II Key Disk
Bitmap graphics editor created by Daniel Silva for Electronic Arts. Size: 512K
Deluxe Paint III Art Disk
Bitmap graphics editor created by Daniel Silva for Electronic Arts. Size: 1MB
Deluxe Paint III Program Disk
Bitmap graphics editor created by Daniel Silva for Electronic Arts. Size: 1MB
Easyl 1.21 Program Disk
Program and driver disk for a drawing tablet and interface for the Amiga.
Paradigm Mastery Software KEYBOARDING SKILLS Student Program Diskette
Version 1.0
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